Integrating Numeracy Beyond The Math Block
Nov 15, 2023
Weaving in Math: Finding Everyday Opportunities for Learning
As educators, we understand that math learning goes beyond the confines of the designated math block. Math is all around us, waiting to be discovered and explored at any given moment of the day. The key is to recognize these opportunities and embrace them, creating a rich mathematical environment that nurtures our children’s growth.
Here are some of my favorite moments throughout the day where we can weave in more math learning:
Soft Start Math:
- Soft start is an ideal time to introduce children to math games, numeracy provocations, or brain-teasing math activities. Encourage them to play and explore mathematical concepts in a relaxed and playful setting. Consider incorporating puzzles like Cuisenaire rods, which can spark curiosity and mathematical thinking.
Morning Meeting Mathematics:
- Morning meetings offer a wonderful opportunity to reinforce our identity as mathematicians. Use this time to revisit collaboration norms, engage in quick number sense routines, or explore math-related discussions. It sets a positive tone for the day, reminding children that math is an integral part of their learning journey.
Math in Writing:
- Writers' workshops can be transformed into math explorations. Challenge children to create their own math stories, allowing them to integrate mathematical concepts into their narratives. Math writing empowers children to convey their understanding and creativity through words and numbers.
Math Story Workshop:
- If your classroom follows the story workshop structure, consider incorporating math storytelling. Encourage children to create and share math-infused stories or explore the mathematical elements within their existing narratives. It's a dynamic way to intertwine literacy and mathematics.
Mathematical Read Alouds:
- Dive into the world of mathematical children's literature, as exemplified by resources like "Mathematizing Children’s Literature." Explore books explicitly centered around math concepts and uncover hidden math gems in books that don't overtly focus on mathematics. Reading becomes a gateway to mathematical discussions and discoveries.
Art as Math:
- Art offers a treasure trove of mathematical opportunities. By intentionally recognizing, naming, and utilizing math within art projects, children can make connections between mathematical concepts and their creative expressions. Whether it's symmetry, patterns, or spatial relationships, math lives within art.
Everyday Math Integration:
- Beyond these specific moments, keep an eye out for everyday opportunities to weave math into your classroom practices. Whether it's during transitions, lunchtime conversations, or outdoor play, math can be seamlessly integrated into various aspects of the day.
As educators, our mission is to instill a deep appreciation for mathematics and make it an inherent part of our children’s lives. By weaving in these daily opportunities for math exploration, we not only enhance learning, but also nurture a love for math that extends far beyond the math block.
Want to hear more? Listen in to my chat with Jon and Kyle from Make Math Moments as we explore Integrating Numeracy Beyond the Math Block together!